Monday, February 15, 2010

how do i make more progress?

I've reached the stage, where I am comfortable with having a consistent boat speed, having tacks that are as good as can be at 90% of the time, and gybing 100% of the time. Now how do I move on, how can I make my boat speed even better? How can i notch up a level?

I went out again today in the morning to late afternoon, and at the beginning i was focused on what my target was (foot work during a tack) but once I had it sorted out perfectly and couldn't complain anymore, I jut didn't feel the urge of working at 100% anymore, so I was just cruising around, putting in a few tacks here and there, until I got bored and then I sailed in.

Thought my time would be better spent putting together my new EC6 shrouds, which I did, and no matter how sexy they look, how light they are and how little give they have; there is always one though in the back of my head haunting me: what happens when I do pitchpole? will they slice me up because they are as thin as cheese wire? hmmm hesitant about leaving them untouched, will go out to the electrical shop down the road tomorrow and see if they have any heat shrinkable stuff in stock, which I could sleeve my shrouds with.

Still haven't got round to getting a packer in the main foil that I am using at the moment, but then again, should I really? thing is I am waiting at the moment to get my own foil fixed, as the sika flex has come off once again, and I need to get that fixed asap, probably my number one on the priority list now!

Whilst playing with the thought of what it would be like riding a little bit higher out of the water, I got a little bit hesitant, because I am riding quiet high at the moment on reaches and downwind, so If i go one higher, will I be at a ridiculously high risk of pitchpoling all the time, or can I correct that by adjusting the amount of lift on the rudder?

Had the V8 up again today, great shape and great power throughout any maneuver, so I am really happy with that, and will use it 2 or 3 more times before the worlds and then store it away and go back to my KA 13. Very similar to my EC6 shrouds, not sure if I want to be using them for the whole time before the worlds, or if I want to put them up, train a few times with them and store them away...

ARGHHHH so many more questions! and so little time to find answers!!!!

Anyways, the swiss boats are at customs now, and I go back to school tomorrow, so only sailing in the afternoons unfortunately!

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